Thursday, December 3, 2009

bosan siaaa T_T

i'm bored .
i got nothing to do .
nobody to hangout with .
except myb with hakim and aidil .
but aidil is having his spm examinations .

i'm suppose to go out today .
but my friends are obviously suckish planners =.='
they said go cs on tuesday and then they cancel it .
then they said confirm on thursday which is today and then cancel it again .
i was already almost going out .

i'm not sure whether i'll be going to singapore .
i'll let fate decide .


Friday, November 27, 2009

home sweet home :)

i'm back in jb .
damn it feels good to be back .
i'm feeling very bored and that's the reason why i'm blogging now .
i'm probably going back to singapore after 7 dec .

First blog post =.='

Okay , I'm obviously not good in all this stuffs .
I don't blog and i don't think i ever did .
I honestly don't know what made me make a blog .
It's probably because of all the influences around me .
or maybe it's just because i'm lame . lol

I'm gonna be completely honest with you people .
People have said that i'm gorgeous and awesome ! :D
Some also said that i'm lame,an ass at times and crazy HAHA :D
But most of them said im cute and handsome la obviously XD

I'm currently at singapore .
If there's any holidays , my dad will throw me here .
He doesn't want me to mix with the people i'm mixing now .
Except a few =.='
Last tuesday i watched 2012 .
It's more of a family adventure than the end of the world .
The special effects is not bad la to me .
My money is drastically going down and that sucks .
I fucking hate not having enough money zz
i've been here for 2 weeks now .
i'm probably gonna go back home tmr .
i miss helyna so much .
and my mum and dad .

i guess this is it .
i'm bored already lol
my first post and it's lame .
hahaha i don't give a fuck .

ciao people . :D